



更多关于此家vps的介绍, 点我直达


For your volumetric/UDP type floods, we’ll be able to provide ‘general’ protection for attacks over 100Gbit (a significant increase from the previous 20Gbit protection we offered); with a good chance of blocking even stronger attacks with filtering customized to the particular service being hosted. And for the trickier, SYN type attacks, a massive increase from our current limits (~8-10 million packets per second) to an astounding 500 million packets per second.

buyvm带来了好消息:原来3美元/月抗20G ddos现在价格不变直接升级到100G,其余服务照旧。

说明:下面是基于OPENVZ虚拟的VPS,LA代表拉斯维加斯、NJ代表新泽西、LU代表卢森堡 ,内存的“/”后面的是vSwap,所有VPS都是默认带一个独立IPv4,抗DDS保护的IP每个每月3美元。

内存 CPU 硬盘 流量 价格 购买
128/256 1 15G 500G $15/年 LV / NJ /LU
256/256 2 30G 1000G $3.5/月 LV / NJ /LU
512/512 2 50G 2000G $5.95/月 LV / NJ /LU
1024/1024 4 60G 3000G $12.95/月 LV / NJ /LU
2048/2048 4 70G 4000G $24.95/月 LV / NJ /LU



内存 CPU 硬盘 流量 价格 购买
128M 1 15G 500G $25/年 LV / NJ /LU
256M 2 30G 1000G $5/月 LV / NJ /LU
512M 2 50G 2000G $10/月 LV / NJ /LU
1024M 2 60G 3000G $20/月 LV / NJ /LU
2048M 2 70G 4000G $40/月 LV / NJ /LU



内存 CPU 硬盘 流量 价格 购买
256M 1 250G 2500G $7月 LV / NJ /LU
512M 1 500G 5000G $15/月 LV / NJ /LU
1024M 2 1000G 10000G $30/月 LV / NJ /LU

