ComsTown WebIT是一家来自国外的VPS服务商,之前主页一直是德文,因此可能是一家来自德国的商家,最近有网友爆料,这家已经向客户发布了邮件表明因经营问题倒闭。尽管这家在不断完善自己网站的内容,算是比较积极,遗憾的是因为定价过低(这家甚至推出2欧元美元的KVM,可运行Windows VPS)导致最后只能以倒闭结局。
Ladies and Gentlemen, due to previous events, the Board has called for a closure of the company. To 01/01/2014 we will therefore set the business. Please note in time to make backups of your data, because if not previously terminated, the data is removed. Finally, we would like to have our partner IP Projects GmbH & Co. KG recommend: They can give server, web space and domains cheap but highly professional. Thank you for your loyalty!